Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Claus-Marco Dieterich (Geschäftsführer) Open Journal Systems Forum der Ausgabe 2023, 2 2023-12-19T18:17:28+01:00 <p>Grenzverkehr – EKW und Offentlichkeit</p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Grenzverkehr – EKW und Offentlichkeit 2023-12-13T17:42:18+01:00 Thomas Thiemeyer 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Popularwissenschaftliches Schreiben und der Ruf der Disziplin 2023-12-13T17:55:32+01:00 Rolf Lindner 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Blog und Magazin 2023-12-13T18:00:46+01:00 Christiane Cantauw Dörthe Gruttmann Elisabeth Timm 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Ethnografischer Film 2023-12-13T18:02:24+01:00 Torsten Näser 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Social Media 2023-12-13T18:03:55+01:00 Hannah Kanz 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Ausstellungen 2023-12-13T18:05:19+01:00 Nina Gorgus 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Vortrags- und Diskussionsformate 2023-12-13T18:07:57+01:00 Moritz Ege 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Photovoice und Plakat 2023-12-13T18:10:19+01:00 Lea Breitsprecher Sarah May 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Berichte der Ausgabe 2023, 2 2023-12-19T18:19:45+01:00 Heidrun Alzheimer Maribel Graf <p>Berichte der Ausgabe 2023, 2</p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kerkhoff-Hader 1940–2023 2023-12-13T18:12:09+01:00 Heidrun Alzheimer <p>Nachruf Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kerkhoff-Hader</p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Doing Kinship by Doing Law? Zur Alltagsbedeutung von Recht in verwandtschaftlichen Kontexten 2023-12-13T18:14:00+01:00 Maribel Graf 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Alle Artikel der Ausgabe 2023, 2 2023-12-19T18:08:43+01:00 <p>Alle Artikel der Ausgabe 2023, 2</p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Staging Economics 2023-12-13T17:31:27+01:00 Sonja Windmüller <p>The cultural analysis of economics that draws from European Ethnology is still clearly underemphasized. This article highlights its potential and explores possible approaches. It begins with a search for traces of the previous disciplinary preoccupation with economy and economics (economic theorizing). Then, using examples from the author’s own research (studies on business cycle research and on the phenomenon of economy museums), ways of approaching and their potential for knowledge production are concretised. Based on this, further-reaching perspectives are presented. Basically, it is not enough to limit the European-ethnological study of economy and academic economic activities to everyday actors and practices. It is also indispensable to look at economic expertise, its efficacy in economic processes and the „fabrication“ of this expertise – in the academic sphere and beyond.</p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Algorithmen und Daten in kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschung 2023-12-13T17:33:32+01:00 Lina Franken <p>This article outlines a research programme for the specific perspective of empirical cultural studies in the digital humanities. As six areas of digital humanities in application, it elaborates computational methods and algorithms, digital and digitised data, infrastructures, resources, digital handcraft and basic digital skills. These are combined with perspectives of reflection, especially in relation to algorithmic assemblages, practices in the community of practice, infrastructures and resources as power structures, and data in its changeability and incompleteness. Due to researchers’ fear of algorithms and data, these areas have so far only been realised in rudimentary form. However, it is precisely with the expertise of empirical cultural studies that uncertainties and misunderstandings can be used productively to further develop existing approaches, expand them to meet the needs of cultural studies and iteratively connect them with cultural analytical concepts. Possibilities and implications cannot be explored with tools and scripts as a transfer of existing methods into digital procedures. These change approaches to knowledge that can be realised in close human-technology relations combined with computational thinking.</p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Professionelle Authentizitat 2023-12-13T17:35:24+01:00 Christine Hämmerling <p>The idea of an authentic self is at the heart of building trust in NGO fundraising. This paper asks how personal fundraising by paid workers ( ‚dialogers‘) relates to expectations of authenticity. Building on a review of the online self-representations of NGO fundraising agencies’ and on an ethnographic study of fundraisers’ work, it traces where the concept of the authentic self becomes relevant in fundraising and how it relates to notions of neoliberal labour. A conceptual history of personal authenticity, attempts at interpretation from cultural studies and media studies, as well as reflections on authenticity in fundraising marketing serve as approaches to the research field and lead to an account of the dialogers’ narrative selves. This enables a reflection on how authenticity as a powerful discourse relates to NGOs and to neoliberal worlds of work in general. The paper aims to condense the broad theory on personal authenticity and relate it to salaried work in the context of voluntary engagement. Furthermore, the examination of this special case of professional trust work helps to review assumptions that all too quickly arise from the interpretive pattern of ‚neoliberalism‘.</p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Empirischer Posthumanismus 2023-12-13T17:37:30+01:00 Oliwia Murawska <p>Although posthumanism has arrived in cultural anthropology, there is still uncertainty regarding the methodological implementation and practicability of its postdualist, post-anthropocentric, post-humanist demands. This paper addresses these uncertainties asking what ethnographers can do to participate in or even advance the posthumanist project, which empirical methods are suitable for this purpose, or how they have to be transformed in the light of the posthumanist paradigm. The thesis pursued here is that due to their ethnographic orientation cultural anthropologist have always possessed a posthuman sensibility, which equips them well for the posthuman turn. Indeed, cultural anthropology and posthumanism can benefit from and complement each other to an empirical posthumanism. To explore the field of empirical posthumanism, anthropological positions that can be identified as empirical posthumanist are first discussed. In a further step, concrete methods are presented that have proven suitable in empirical posthumanist geo-centered studies conducted by the author in Kashubia. Then, it is clarified, how an empirical-posthumanistic approach affects the researcher’s attitude in the research process as well as the quality of the knowledge produced, and what implications it has for the research ethics.</p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Alle Buchbesprechungen der Ausgabe 2023, 2 2023-12-19T18:21:07+01:00 Diverse <p>Alle Buchbesprechungen der Ausgabe 2023, 2</p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Ulrich Ermann / Malte Höfner / Sabine Hostniker / Ernst Michael Preininger / Danko Simic (Hrsg.) Die Region. Eine Begriffserkundung 2023-12-15T08:49:17+01:00 Karin Bürkert 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Bettina Grimmer: Folgsamkeit herstellen. Eine Ethnographie der Arbeitsvermittlung im Jobcenter 2023-12-15T08:57:05+01:00 Felix Gaillinger 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Martin Warnke / Anne Dippel: Tiefen der Tauschung. Computersimulation und Wirklichkeitserzeugung 2023-12-15T09:03:15+01:00 Andreas Möllenkamp 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Klaus Näumann / Gisela Probst-Effah (Hrsg.): Musikethnologische Feldforschung. Historische und gegenwartsbezogene Perspektiven 2023-12-15T09:05:20+01:00 Manfred Seifert 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Johannes Müske / Michael Fischer (Hrsg.): Schlager erforschen. Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf ein populäres Phänomen 2023-12-15T09:12:43+01:00 Jana Stadlbauer 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Julia Gehres: Fest, Event, Spektakel? Zur Inszenierung des venezianischen Karnevals im Kontext gesellschaftlicher Transformationsprozesse 2023-12-15T09:14:38+01:00 Marcus Tauschek 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Judith Schmidt: Kalkulierte Mobilität. Ökonomische und biographische Perspektiven auf Saisonarbeit 2023-12-15T09:17:01+01:00 Barbara Wittmann 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Gerhard H. Hommer: Attraktionen der Straße. Eine Berliner Literaturgeschichte 1927–1932 2023-12-15T09:20:49+01:00 Jens Wietschorke 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Tabea Stirenberg: Scham, Schmerz, Hysterisierung. Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Menstruation als Alltagspraxis 2023-12-15T09:25:19+01:00 Sabine Zinn-Thomas 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Natalie Reinsch / Frauke Geyken / Cornelia Eisler / Thomas Overdick (Hrsg.): Herkunft. Heimat. Heute. Zur Musealiserung von Heimatstuben und Heimatsammlungen der Fluchtlinge, Vertriebenen und Aussiedler*innen 2023-12-15T09:27:09+01:00 Markus Speidel 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Marc Meißner: Mit Pinsel und Farbe zwischen Kohle und Chemie. Bernhard Franke & Walter Dötsch: Maler, Grafiker und Pioniere des DDR-Volkskunstschaffens aus Bitterfeld 2023-12-15T09:30:17+01:00 Ute Mohrmann 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology Editorial 2023-12-13T17:28:35+01:00 Regina Bendix Anne Dippel 2023-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft. Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology